Sponsor Rescue Cats

We're crazy cat people. We make cat shirts. Every shirt sponsors a rescue cat!

Thank You For Caring About Cat Rescue!

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Dancer & Her Kittens
Momma "Dancer" who was rescued very pregnant and as a stray. She and her babies love their cat tree they received from the GOODS program, and their foster mom has spoiled Dancer and her babies with lots of good food, litter and treats we also received from our friends at the Iowa Humane Alliance pet food pantry. Our kittens are almost old enough to find their forever families! Just look at Dancer’s smile, her crew of cuties, and how happy they are! Thank you for making life a bit easier for the kitties!
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This page presents Sponsorships that support cat rescue. Cat Bandit sells tee shirts and helps rescue cats; Sponsorships are one of the other ways we fulfill our mission. 100% of net proceeds from Sponsorships are donated to cat rescue. No salaries or administrative costs are deducted. Like other charitable initiatives (such as the SPCA and local shelters) we do incur costs getting our message out to cat lovers who may consider being sponsors. We do our best to keep those expenses as low as possible relative to Sponsorship funds received in order to maximize the amount donated. Those and actual product costs are the only deductions made from Sponsorships so unlike other organizations which deduct salaries and administrative expenses, we do not. Regardless of the net proceeds amount, we always donate for each tee shirt sent out (even if it means running at a loss). Sponsorships are different from other rescue cat activities we engage in, for example Memberships which use a portion of proceeds for advocating for TNR and against euthanasia. We are not a 501(c)(3) organization, so your purchase is not tax deductible. For more information visit https://catbandit.com/pages/frequently-asked-questions.

Printed and shipped with ♥ in the USA.
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Cat Bandit
304 S. Jones Blvd, Suite 893, Las Vegas NV, 89107
